Statutory Policies and Statements

(Please note: As of January 1st 2023 where existing policies cite 'Executive Headteacher' or 'Head of School' this now refers to the position of Headteacher)



Accessibility Plan

Capability issues due to ill health

Capability Procedures 

Code of Conduct (staff)

Charging & Remissions Policy

Children with health needs who cannot attend school Policy

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 

Child Protection and Safeguarding Guidance 

Safeguarding Statement

Complaints Policy*

Complaints Procedure*

Unreasonable Complainants Policy*

Data Protection Policy (updated for GDPR)

Privacy Notice - Pupil and Parent

Privacy Notice - Staff

Disciplinary Procedure

Early Career Teacher Induction Policy

Early Years Foundation Stage Policy

Equality Policy

School Equality Objectives and Published Data

E-safety Policy

Freedom of Information Scheme

Governors Allowances Policy

Health and Safety Policy (including First Aid and  Sun Protection Policy) 

Parental Consent Forms (including Home School Agreement)

Positive Behaviour Policy (Behaviour Principles, Anti-bullying & Exclusion Policies & guidelines on Physical Intervention)  

Premises Management Policy

Local Offer/SEND Information Report/SEN Policy

Looked After & Previously Looked After Children School Policy

Relationships, Sex and Health Education Policy

Staff Grievance Policy

Statement of procedures for dealing with allegations of abuse against staff and volunteers

Supporting pupils with medical conditions Policy

Teacher Appraisal Policy

Teachers' Pay Policy