The Curriculum



Curriculum Statement and Policy 2023


“Children Come first”


We are committed to the development of our children in the fullest sense. We strive to ensure our children are happy and successful and grow during their time with us to be ambitious and resilient. Our talented teachers inspire and motivate children to encourage scholarship, intellectual curiosity, independent thought and effective learning habits. We aim to combine academic excellence with an outstanding range of opportunities through our innovative and exciting curriculum. We are also a Church school and Christian values underpin all that we do and those values support us as we help our children learn the key skills and knowledge that they will need to rise to the challenges, opportunities and responsibilities that future life will bring. Our curriculum in the widest sense is the means through which we achieve these goals and provide a vehicle for all talents to be nurtured, encouraged, developed and praised.


“I have come that they may have life and live it to the full” John 10.10





For any curriculum queries please contact the school office: