Become a School Governor!

Make a difference!

Being a school governor is a good way of giving back to the community through supporting the pupils, staff and leaders of our school. It is also an excellent source for continuous professional development that can enhance your skills which can be transferrable in your own workplace and potentially help you with your future career.

Currently, we have several vacancies on our board and would welcome expressions of interest from anyone who has a few spare hours each week.


We are especially looking for people with experience working in a profession, business or finance at whatever level. However, anyone with an interest in working with the school to promote the education and welfare of Enborne's young people would be most welcome as training will be provided.


With a full governing board working together, the time commitment required is usually 2-3 evening meetings and up to a few hours spent in the school per half term.


If you think you could or would like to contribute to our board in any way and want to find out more, please contact our clerk Lynsey Deas via the details below who will arrange an informal chat in the first instance with the Chair of Governors.


For more information, contact Lynsey Deas, clerk to Governors at  or telephone 01635 40569.